Below you will find tech hints from various articles as well as from some of our own members tried and true experience for maintaining your Model A.
Tour Checklist: Below is a list of some of the items we suggest you take with you on a tour to handle any temporary breakdowns or mishaps.
Spare Engine/Car Parts: Coil, fan belt, distributor, condenser, carburetor, water pump, front wheel outer bearing, cutout for generator, gallon of water, quart of oil
Tools: Jack, socket set, quart of oil, grease gun, amp meter, hand crank, screwdriver, feeler gauge, end wrenches, set of points, pliers, crescent wrench
Repair Manual
Fire Extinguisher
Changing a Model A Tire: Below are some links to some you tube videos on different techniques for changing Model A flat tires, brought to you by Pikes Peak Model A Club and Model A Great web sites to visit for more tech articles.
A little information about fire extinguishers for your Model A: Below you will find some links to articles so you can learn more about fire extinguishers and what it takes to protect yourself and your investment.